



托马斯·贝本,2003年 & 莫妮卡·卡瓦哈尔·贝本,2003年

Monica (Mo) Carvajal-Beben literally grew up in the food world. 她的童年充满了独特的故事和经历,从她祖母的馅饼店到她母亲的餐馆. 她在俄克拉何马州的一个小农场长大,这让她懂得了在粮食生长和生产中发挥积极作用的重要性, 从花园到餐桌. 没有比在餐厅更有宾至如归的感觉了, 三十年后的今天,莫妮卡仍然在厨房里复制和重新制作她年轻时的食谱. 

托马斯(汤姆)贝本出生于德国威斯巴登. 他父亲的军事生涯是美国空军上尉,这使得汤姆的家人在他年轻的时候经常搬家, 但贝本家族最终在萨姆特定居下来, SC, 汤姆11岁的时候. There, he excelled at baseball, football, and basketball at Thomas Sumter Academy. In 1998, he was awarded a scholarship to play basketball for Coker College.

In 2002, 通过库克学院出国旅游的机会, 汤姆和莫在比利时学习, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. In 2003, Monica earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with an emphasis in Graphic Design from Coker, 汤姆获得了文学学士学位, 主修历史. 

Tom和Mo都对某些地区的传统饮食体验如何定义和加强文化体验感兴趣, 这些社区的健康和团结. 后来,他们到其他国家和美国各地旅行,加深了他们对食物和文化之间联系的热爱和尊重. Motivated by that shared passion, in 2007, Tom and Mo opened Smoking Mo’s in Shelton, WA. 从一个只卖外卖的小吃摊开始, the restaurant eventually grew to a full-service establishment. 他们的菜单是为了向美国中西部和南部的人们和地方致敬,并纪念他们独特的成长经历. In 2012, the couple purchased a century-old bank building in the heart of downtown Shelton. 经过彻底的改造, focusing on restoring and protecting the historical features of the space, 这家餐馆生意兴隆。. Eventually, they added an event venue space and catering services to their business. 

在西雅图的King 5 News投票中,Smoking Mo 's被选为华盛顿西部第一烧烤店. In 2015, the Mason County Chamber of Commerce selected it as the Business of the Year. Pacific Mountain Workforce Development also honored it with The Nancy Payne Award, which recognizes companies that exemplify workplace excellence and customer service, 有意义的员工投入, 和建设性的, diverse, 进步的劳动力文化. 

In 2019, 汤姆和莫再次扩大了他们的海外学习,参加了博彩平台推荐的意大利探险. 

随着对酿造过程的新兴趣,特别是认识到特定国家和他们的历史所熟悉的典型酿造风格之间的联系, 汤姆在他的工作简历上加上了布鲁尔. 汤姆和莫开了高钢啤酒公司. in 2021. 这家小啤酒厂的啤酒目录通过使用当地种植的口味来庆祝美国太平洋西北地区的体验, 纪念当地地标, 庆祝当地的民间传说. 

In addition to her restaurant work, Mo is an artist and a writer. 她的作品曾在华盛顿西部作家团体中发表,并在华盛顿旅游指南和报纸上发表. 她目前正在完成她的第一本书,预计将于2024年夏天出版.

汤姆是谢尔顿扶轮社的社员. He coaches basketball at Oakland Bay Jr High and plays in a local city league. 2018年,谢尔顿商会将汤姆选为梅森县年度公民. 


贝本夫妇在他们的职业生涯中不知疲倦地工作,以丰富他们在谢尔顿的邻居和社区成员的生活, Washington, 通过为有需要的家庭采购和提供粮食,以及为贫困青年不断增长的广泛需求提供粮食. 他们知道,如果你把大部分时间都花在饥饿上,就很难充分发挥生活的潜力. Their mission is to prove that full bellies can fuel compassionate minds. 


Dr. 简·诺伍德,1965年

简自豪地于1965年毕业于博彩平台推荐,获得了小学教育学位. 离开科克公司后,她经历了几次转型, from being a Coker-Nut to becoming a Cobra with a fighting spirit. Currently, 她是博彩平台推荐董事会成员,任职23年, not consecutively, 在四任总统的领导下.  Other services to the University have been on the Alumni Council and the Board of Visitors.  She and her husband, Ballard (Buddy) Norwood endowed the Jane Parler Norwood Scholarship.

博彩平台推荐毕业后, 简就读于南卡罗莱纳大学, 获得教育学硕士学位和心理服务哲学博士学位:阅读. 她是阿巴拉契亚州立大学的名誉教授, having taught there for thirty-three years and being tenured at the Professor rank.  

在她的服役生涯中, 她是以下委员会/组织的成员和/或官员:博彩平台推荐董事会, 北卡罗莱纳州教育委员会副主席, 教师素质委员会, Chair), 北卡罗来纳教学研究员委员会(最后一任主席), 北卡罗莱纳州年度测试委员会, Educational Advisory Board of the North Carolina School of Science and Math (Chair), 三个教育委员会联络委员会(联席主席), Advisory Board North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications, 北卡罗来纳写作测试工作组, 全国各州教育委员会协会(青少年扫盲工作组董事会和主席), National Council of the Accreditation of Teacher Education (Unit Accreditation Board),  北卡罗莱纳州学校改善小组, 南部地区教育委员会, and North Carolina Council of the International Reading Association (President).

1992年,北卡罗来纳州州长詹姆斯. Martin gave her the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the state’s highest honor. In 2001, she received the National State Boards of Education’s Distinguished Service Award.

简还在夏洛特道格拉斯机场做了十年的志愿者,接待和帮助游客.  她在教堂里很活跃, 普罗维登斯浸信会,她曾担任执事,并在人事委员会和祭坛公会. 



Seth Johnson是一位专门从事创意制作和数字叙事的多媒体专业人士. 2012年毕业于博彩平台推荐美术与传播学双学位. 

After graduation, Seth在博彩平台推荐的市场营销和传播办公室担任视频制作和广播媒体专家,直到2020年. During this time, he crafted hundreds of compelling videos and advertisements, 在大学的品牌和精神上留下了持久的印记. Notably, Seth played a pivotal role in Coker’s rebranding initiative, 打出了“这是你的故事”的标语,” which became emblematic of Coker’s identity for several years. 

At Coker, 赛斯还承担了一些雄心勃勃的博彩平台推荐, 包括制作了一部长篇电影,讲述了2013年棒球队进入NCAA第二赛区全国锦标赛的非凡旅程, 标题是“一个值得记住的季节”.” Additionally, 他为国外旅行节目制作了一部名为《博彩平台推荐排名》的纪录片,” exploring the contemporary significance of Holocaust studies. He also produced several fundraising videos to support Coker’s giving campaigns, 最引人注目的是#OneForCoker年度捐赠活动. 

Seth还通过他的纪录片制作为社会和环境事业做出了重大贡献. He was an additional cinematographer in the Peabody Award-winning documentary series, “180 Days,” a PBS film focused on addressing the urgent need for reform in American public schools. 

几年来, he has collaborated with New Alpha Community Development Corporation, an environmental justice organization dedicated to empowering underrepresented communities. Notably, 赛斯制作了一部关于他们正义第一之旅的纪录片, 这是一项全国性的运动,旨在提高人们对环境正义问题的认识并促进变革. 

Similarly, Seth还曾在Dogwood Alliance工作, 环境保护倡导组织, to produce a documentary titled “Pee Dee Indian Tribe: Community Conservation.这部纪录片讲述了Pee Dee印第安部落在生态恢复和社区保护的基础上追求再生经济. 

In 2020, Seth从Coker过渡到ACS Technologies, where he continued his work as a Media Production Specialist. 与创意团队合作,他

contributed to developing educational courses and software training materials, 所有这些都是为教堂和非营利组织设计的. 

In 2024, Seth realized a lifelong dream by beginning to work full-time at Lochwood Studios, 他和他的兄弟共同创立了一家内容营销机构, Greyson Johnson, 博彩平台推荐的校友. In 2023, Lochwood Studios won first place in the Pee Dee Idea challenge, 与该地区70多家初创公司竞争. 总部设在哈茨维尔, South Carolina, Lochwood Studios specializes in video and photography content for businesses, schools, and nonprofits. Their extensive portfolio includes collaborations with numerous local organizations, 包括卡罗莱纳松, GSSM, Sonoco, 特伦特山中心, SPC, 儿童及家庭资源中心, 和博彩平台推荐

Beyond his professional achievements, Seth remains deeply connected to his alma mater. Since 2013, he has faithfully photographed every summer and winter graduation ceremony, 为无数博彩平台推荐毕业生留下了珍贵的回忆. 

和妻子住在哈茨维尔, 凯尔西·奥吉尔维·约翰逊, 也是科克的校友, 赛斯喜欢户外活动, including camping, hiking, and gardening. Together, 他们热切地期待着未来,因为他们计划和建造他们的马术家园,同时继续为他们的社区和其他地方做出有意义的贡献.


Dr. 布里安娜·道格拉斯,2002年

Brianna Douglas, 博彩平台推荐2002届的毕业生, continues to create a lasting impact defined by community leadership and dedicated service. 作为拜尔利基金会的执行董事, she is perfectly positioned to make a considerable impact in Hartsville, SC, leveraging her passion for her hometown to advance education, 促进经济增长, 满足哈茨维尔人民的重要社会需求. Her journey, 受到她在博彩平台推荐的成长经历的推动, is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of the Coker experience. 

布里安娜经常深情地回忆她在科克的时光. For her, 这个机构是个人成长的沃土, 学业成就和珍惜的人际关系. 在她严谨的学术生活中, she had the opportunity to meet and connect with people from all walks of life, 建立经得起时间考验的友谊. 这些朋友中有一个不仅仅是伙伴,他就是布鲁斯, 2003年毕业于博彩平台推荐, 布里安娜于2004年结婚. They have two children, McKendrie (18) and Lila (13), and live in Hartsville. 

Coker University also significantly contributed to her professional success. Academically, 这所大学为她提供了批判性思考和创造性解决问题的博彩平台推荐和技能——她认为这些工具为她在目前的职位上取得成功奠定了基础. 充满活力的学习环境使她能够直面挑战,并鼓励她终身学习. Brianna holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Coker University, 北佛罗里达大学的工商管理硕士, and a Ph.D. 科罗拉多州立大学教育学硕士. 她的研究重点是大学如何, 政府和业界领袖可透过有效合作,促进经济发展. 

布里安娜感到非常幸运,她经历了充满难忘经历的大学生活, 吸取人生教训,建立终身的人际关系. Today, 在她作为社区领袖和作为妻子的日常生活中,她面临着令人兴奋的挑战, mom, and friend, 她经常发现自己依靠智慧, resilience and camaraderie that her time at Coker University instilled in her.

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